10 General Physical Skills of Fitness

CrossFit workouts are designed to improve this list of skills, believed to encompass the full spectrum of fitness: cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, accuracy, agility, and balance. Too bad “appetite” didn’t make the cut.

5150 is a Team

We workout, train, compete and play together. Don’t change or add to the WOD or warm up. If it’s not hard enough for you, just let us know. If it’s too difficult, ask for a modification (see below). Don’t set up your bars, weights, or stations until instructed to do so.


Every workout is written to be done as prescribed (or Rx), however every movement has a modification. You modify if you can’t do the movement, or if the prescribed weight is so heavy that it causes you to break form. Coaches will help you with modification. A coach may ask you to lower your weight. If they do, it is because they are noticing something that will improve with less weight. Say ‘thanks’ and do it. Remember there is no shame in modification and modification is not a penalty — it is a way to get you to Rx smartly and safely.

Are there any prerequisites to starting CrossFit?

No. Since each class is a coached workout, athletes of all abilities can join any open class. Listen, ask, do. Listen to the coach, ask questions and do what they say — this is key to success.

Be a part of the team

Cheer each other on, enjoy being encouraged, and join in; no headphones, cell phones or bad attitudes. It’s okay to be serious about your workout (we expect you to be) but leave the ego and attitude outside. Introduce yourself to new people.

Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?

No. Ask the person next to you who you think is in awesome shape their story, you will be surprised to find out that most athletes here started as regular folks of varying shapes, abilities and sizes.

Do you have a mobile app?

Yes. We use WODify for all our scheduling and WOD tracking. It is easy and awesome and you will grow to love it. You must set up your account with us before using the app. Go to the appropriate app store and search “wodify” and download. The app is free, your log-in credentials are the same as on your online wodify account.

How big are classes?

Classes range but average about 8 to 13 people. Except for special holiday WODs, no class is bigger than twenty, usually less than fifteen.

How long is a class?

Typically 50-55 minutes.

How often should I train?

Train at least three times a week, more often is awesome. You can train consecutive days; however, take the fourth day off. Always listen to your body and if you’re not sure what it is saying, ask a coach.

I’m a woman and don’t want to get muscled, will CrossFit make me big and bulky?

No. Cupcakes make you big. CrossFit makes you strong and sexy.

I’m a guy and I want to get big, can I with CrossFit?

Yes, however it is strength based and therefore a lean muscle. (i.e. muscle that performs.) With that said, if you want to get huge you can with CrossFit, just talk with the head coach Chris.

Is CrossFit just for young people?

No. We have clients over 60. (We also train teenagers with their parents.)

Puke Zone.

The puke zone is the grate outside the back left door. Feel free to use it. Ladies hold a friends hair.

What are the names on the walls?

These are the Hero WODs used across many CrossFit Boxes and the top three men and women at 5150 in each one. These are a great way to benchmark your performance.

What can I expect at a typical class?

Each class consists of a warm-up, strength, gymnastics or skill work, and the Metcon/WOD (often followed by ab work or skill activities).

What if I can’t do the Rx/Prescribed workout?

You ask the coach for a modification. CrossFit works for all levels because every movement can be modified to fit an individual athlete. As long as you keep your intensity high, you are getting a complete workout. There is no shame in modifying. Stick with CrossFit and you will be Rx-ing sooner than you think.

What is Open Gym?

It is a time that you can come in and work on whatever you want. A coach is here to answer questions, help you on skills, lifts or technique. This is not a time to do the WOD since there will be no coach to lead the class and WODs are intended to be with a group.

What is Skill Sundays?

Whenever you see something listed as “Skill Sunday” that day will be dedicated to one (or a few) skills. Only those skills will be worked on that day. This is a great way to learn and perfect a skill. This is not open gym.

What to bring to class.

Bring water & a towel. All equipment will be provided for the workout. You may notice athletes using tape or other equipment. If you are curious what or why, ask a coach if you need that extra equipment. Although we provide them, it is good to purchase a size specific jump rope. Ask for more info.

When can I start to compete?

You can compete as soon as you start CrossFit. There are competitions at all levels. Speak with Chris for a recommendation.


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1480 E. 28th St., Signal Hill CA 90775
