CrossFit 5150 – CrossFit


Happy Easter!

Come and celebrate Easter and spring Sanctuary Sunday style! We will continue the tradition with our Easter WOD and toast. Hope you can join us!

Metcon (Time)

For time:

Buy in: 40 lateral bar hops


2 Rounds:

9 Kb Swings 2.0/1.5

23 Thrusters 75/55

Go outside and find an egg!

9 DB Snatches 50/35

23 Deadlifts +45s/35s

Go outside and find an egg!

9 Dubz

23 C2B Pull ups

Go outside and find an egg!

9 S2OH

23 Snatches

Right into…

2 Rounds:

9 Sit ups

23 Pull ups

Go outside and find an egg!

9 DB Hg. P. Cl. & J

23 HSPUs

Go outside and find an egg!

9 Pistols

23 Wallballs 20/14

Go outside and find an egg!

9 Cleans + 10s to 75/55

23 T2B

Cash out: 40 LBH

*The bunnies and eggs will determine the movements for the rep scheme.