CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitTurkey Belly (No Measure)We are closed today. Get outside! Go for a walk, run, hike, or bike ride. Enjoy your family and friends! We appreciate you! xoxo
CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitMetconMetcon (Time)For Time: 5 Rounds 30 Double Unders 10 Overhead Squats 95/65 Directly Into.. 1 Round 30 Overhead Squats 95/65 100 Double UndersAccessory WorkMetcon (No Measure)2 Sets 50m DB Front Rack Farmer Carry 8 Single Leg...
CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitWeightliftingFront Squat (60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, (90/1)3*)MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps)7 min. AMRAP: Power Snatches 95/65 EMOM (starting at 0:00): 5 Toes to Bar Rest 3 Minutes 7 min. AMRAP: Bar-Facing Burpees EMOM (starting at 0:00:...
CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitMetconMary (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Pistols (5-L / 5-R) 15 Pull-ups
CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitWeightliftingSnatch Push Press + Overhead Squat (Weight)(50/3 + 3)2, (60/3 + 3)2, 65/3 + 3MetconMetcon (Time)For Time (20 min. Cap): 3 Rounds 3 Rounds of “Cindy” 1 Round of “DT” (155/105)Cindy 5 Pulls 10 Push ups...