CrossFit 5150 – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata Intervals

1. Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1.0

2. Burpees Over Rower

3. Row Calories

4. Push-ups

5. Sit-ups

*Tabata each movement one at a time (20 on/10 off- 4 min. total). You are completing 5 separate tabatas for each movement.

*Rest 1 min. between each movement/tabata.

Scoring: Reps
*Keep a running total for each tabata. Record the total for the tabata you just completed on your 1 minute rest. Then, total reps all 5 tabatas.


KB Craze (Time)

3 Rounds

4 Turkish Get ups (R/L)

12 Overhead Lunges

24 Weighted Sit ups

*3 movements completed with a KB (1.5/1.0)