CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitWeightliftingBench Press (Every 3:30 for 14:00 (4 Sets) 10 Bench Press @ loading 10/side, Single DB Z-Press 15-30″ Handstand Hold)*Score Bench Press heaviest set of 10MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps) Every 1:30 for 15:00 (5 Rounds) a. ON...
CrossFit 5150 – CrossFitWeightliftingBench Press (Every 3:30 for 14:00 (4 Sets) 10 Bench Press @ loading 10/side, Single DB Z-Press 15-30″ Handstand Hold)*Score Bench Press heaviest set of 10MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps) Every 1:30 for 15:00 (5 Rounds) a. ON...